The only thing your vehicle needs for our Tech Panels to work is fabric upholstery or carpeting that velcro sticks to! We recommend trying to stick a jacket's velcro cuff or something similar to the fabric upholstery in your car, truck, SUV, boat, camper cap, etc... Anywhere velcro sticks and you could be storing things, our Tech Panels are ready to be put to work!
We offer three sizes of Tech Panels, our Small Tech Panel measures 2.5 x 9.5", our Medium Tech Panel is 4 x 15.5", and our Large Tech Panel is 8 x 15.5". We offer them individually and in kits of 3 and 6 - the 6 piece kit comes with 5 of our Locking MOLLE Carabiners and 8 Elastic Tech Panel Clips. Depending on the amount of carpeted space available in your vehicle and what you're planning on securing, you'd be surprised at what our Tech Panels can hold. The textile, velcro and sewing on these panels is extremely strong and we frequently see folks mounting a lot more gear than we personally recommend without issues.
Whether you're keeping bear spray and a flashlight in your driver's footwell or ensuring jumper cables and a first aid kit are right where you need them to be, our Velcro Tech Panels are ready to organize your vehicle. Check out our list of 24 essentials to keep in your vehicle here, many of which can be secured with our Tech Panels and Pouches! Stop wasting valuable time looking for the items you need most in your car, truck, SUV, boat, camper cap... you get the idea. Keeping safety essentials secured in a consistent location is one of the first steps to being prepared to handle the worst.
Hopefully you were already trying to keep your gear secured before reading this, but understandably it's hard to always make sure everything is movement-free in a vehicle. Simply making sure the heavy, dangerous or absolutely essential items are safely located and locked down is imperative. There are many ways out there to secure equipment on the go, but when it comes to a truly universal, flexible solution that always comes in handy, look no further than our Velcro Tech Panels. We'll see you out there!
Check out Matt's Tech Panel Introduction video by clicking below:
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